Chapter 6 . Silence


Pastry is a tie-up and he can't see anything . The first time the second test of ceremony was performed, in a long time it started a little after first test . Concerned about his son, who is still facing himself, the , Casserole has been sent to a room in the church. It was a well-furnished room that could be called a guest room. A middle-aged priest is sitting on a chair, facing him. The knight-baron could not understand the cause of the expression on his face, which had been looking so glum for some time now.

Well, to put it simply , he knows that the reason is his son's consecration ceremony. What he does not know is what is bothering this priest so much.

".There is something I must tell you about your son."

"What is it?"

"About this."

A lump of metal was placed with a clunk. It is generally called light gold. It is used to measure the amount of magic power. It is also used in second test of coming of age ceremony.

The achievements of great scientists in the past who used this light gold to measure amount of magic power are still praised as a great achievement. It was well known that metals and liquids change their volume with temperature. Thermometers, for example, take advantage of this feature.

In the same way, they took advantage of the fact that the mass of a material changes according to its magic power and set a standard to measure magic. One cannot help but be in deep awe of such great achievement .

''What is this light gold?''

He takes the lump of metal placed in his hand. It is so heavy and solid that it is hard to believe that it is so small. It probably weighs about as much as an iron ball the size of fist . It was not this heavy when he was a young man, and the information was enough to guess what the priest was trying to say.

"I'm sure you noticed this when you held the ball, but what I'm trying to say is about the amount of magic power your son has."

"It seems to be a bit too much."

The more magic power you have, the more you can use your abilities. T It is known that there are differences in th amount of magic power, and duration of the fire, and the materials that can be ignited. It is said that there is a theory that even though people are equal in magic, they show individuality, but it goes without saying that the amount of magic power affects the quality of the magic.

"I would normally congratulate you, but his amount is too large to be called a little. higher To be more specific, the amount of magic power is generally considered to be only one, but in the case of your son, it was more than fifty. I think he is probably one of the three most talented people in the world."


Here, the baron hesitated to ask . If it is a little too much, it is a good thing. He should celebrate without any hesitation. But is there anything problematic if it is too large? Such a question suddenly came to his mind.

"It is our tradition to make public the congratulations of those who have passed the consecration ceremony. This is because the church is obligated to report to God and His children about their loyalty to their duties. I am sure that there are many people who are blessed with good health and happiness. However, if I dare to look at the reality and severity of the world, there are many who are envious and jealous of others' blessings. It is sadly , but reality that the greater the celebration, will draw more people . who will be jealous ."

"A rather contrived statement of the realism of the priests, isn't it?"

"This is harsh. The Church is in the world of people. , and even a priest's small office is human beings. There are many things that cannot be done, and for that reason, there are many things that are required. If you can understand this and cooperate with me, I will do everything in my power to help your son to get rid of that problems."

The sigh of the baron, who thought about , every word he said was a bit repetitive, was probably within the range of what the priest had foreseen.

If I to summarize his words . If the news of his son gets spread, his son will be subjected to jealousy. If he want him to keep it quiet, he wants him to cooperate with him . But What does cooperation mean ?

What does cooperation mean in this case? Even a baron who is somewhat ignorant of politics, can guess what it means. It means "close " cooperation in form of gold and silver. In other words, money.

"If my son can successfully complete the second test , I promise to cooperate with you as much as possible."

"I see. I am glad you are fast to understand what i mean . Ha ha ha."

After that, the conversation continued as they kept poking and prodding at each other's feelings. H also asked about the inner workings of the knight's faction, or rumors of some sort. He want to get such information, if possible. The clergyman's defense makes him wonder if he is also an agent of intelligence.

It was already dusk by the time they exchanged their dark, adult-like conversation. It was about time to see the results of the test of the pastry.

"Oh, is it that time already? Time flies when you are full of hopes, doesn't it?"

"I guess so. I have noticed that the time seems to last much longer."

"I guess it's just a parent' s way of thinking. Well, then, shall we go and up check your son?"

The time for pray had come, and the devout believers who had finished their work had come to the church to thank God and the spirits for another safe and successful day. Looking sideways at those who were praying, the baron and the priest went to the basement. They open a tightly closed room , where no light to leak in.

Pastry was dazzled by the light when he was released from his blindfold. His eyelids were fluttering and he was trying to look around, but as his eyes adjusted to the light, his father gently patted him on the head and said, "

"You did a good job by yourself."

With those words, Pastry finally felt that it was over. He looks at his father and says to him that it is because of the dazzling light that there are tears in his eyes.

"Now it's time to put the final touch "

" Final touch?"

The boy wonders if this is not over yet .He is told to be careful when he gets up, his arms and legs released, and he gets to his feet. , rubbing his limbs . He is told that if he stands up too quickly, he may get choked with blood and collapse, so he is cautious.

"If you had magic in your body , you would understand the scriptures I am about to read to you. After that ceremony will came to end"

"I understand."

The priest then opened a scroll. It contained a scripture, . The priest's voice begins to sing,

"The world is a vast place, and the beings that lives in it are numerous and immeasurable, but they are all equally favored by God. So it is with man. The bosom of the Holy God is immeasurable, His power unlimited, and His words deep, long, and far-reaching. If you are given a single word or phrase, the blessings of God's grace will be of great value to you. I now take your name as a verse from the Word of God. You shall repay God's favor in the name of Pastry-Mill-Mortellen. May God bless you."

The moment Pastry understood the content of the scripture, he suddenly comprehended his own magic. What he could and could not do about his own abilities. He also understood that the [transcription] he had felt earlier was the key to his own abilities.

And perhaps also that this scripture is magical one .

"It seems that you have passed successfully."

Pastry father nodded in satisfaction. Pastry nodded in as well ahe two of them were in the same mood, just like father and son.

Naturally, their appearance was similar, as they were both leaving

the room.

"Thank you for your assistance today," .

"No, no, our job is to help the people in need . We are always here to help people."

"This is just a way to show our gratitude."

"Oh, no, this is much appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation with the Church."

baron , with a smile on his face, handed the leather bag to the -clergyman. The contents, as most people would guess, were money , and there were about ten silver coins in it.

'Well then, here you are."

"Please come again anytime."

With that they parted ways. After looking at the back of the father and son, who were close , the priest checked inside the bag. He shook the bag once. He saw with his eyes that there were only silver coins inside, and muttered to himself.

"You don't get it . You're just a knight from the battlefield, aren't you? This is not enough to stop me from leaking it . I hope you won't take it to heart ."

The priest's smirking face was far from what you would image from clergyman, and he had a nasty look on his face.


Now, while the stands are still open, let's go buy some souvenirs to bring back home."

"Yes, father. I think I'd like to buy Bonka. . Let's buy it by all means."

" You have reached adulthood today, so I won't treat you like a child anymore. I'll leave you some money and let you chose souvenirs . I have a few things to do, so let's meet in the center square after sunset."

"I got it,

A boy with a sparkle in his eye is smiling. The honest desire of an innocent child always captures the hearts of those who have grown up and never let go.

The difference between adults and children. For men, the only difference is the amount of money they spend on their hobbies. If this is the case, then the boy who is pursuing his interests here without restraint has already fulfilled the requirements of adulthood.

Literally, a boy who has just become an adult. No, since he has already reached adulthood, he should be called a young adult, even if he still looks a bit childish. What the young man has chosen to is bonka.

In modern world , it would be something between an apple and a pear. Whether it is called a pear or an apple depends on the person. From the bright green ones to the yellow ones that have probably already reached peak ripeness, each fruit is unique. The unknown fruits piled up in the stall. The young man takes each one in his hand and picks it with surprising seriousness, considering its smell, look, weight, and even sound.

When the baron returned after taking care of his business, he found his son still buzzing in front of the fruit.

"You'd better hurry up , or we won't make it home today. You've already picked enough."

At his father's words, Pastry, who did not even hide his disappointment, picked up about four fruits with reluctance. He was holding them in his tiny hands, as if he couldn't hold them in his small hands.

"Mister, I'll give you a little extra for your diligence."

The owner of the stand, who was smiling at Pastry as he was seriously selecting, gave him an extra bonka. He even went to the trouble of choosing the one that looked the most delicious.

Pastry gulps down a saliva. The delicious smell seemed to be feeling through the air. The fresh, tart aroma tickled his nose . And moreover, this bonka is an bonus. It would be easy to cover up the fact that he ate it here. After thinking that way, there was no way he could resist.

"It's delicious , father."

"huh , what is it?"

they were chewing fruit .

"We ate the most delicious one . Let's not tel that to l your Mother and Sister."


This was the moment when a secret was created between father and son.


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