
Chapter 7 . Troubles

  There is a part of the kingdom called the southern border of the Kingdom of God. In this part of the kingdom, where Casserole and Pastry are living , there are one count and two barons, the most famous and well-known families in the center of the region. The three families are the Counts of Rhaetesh, who dominate the maritime trade, the Baron Bourbach, an old family with a tradition since the establishment of the country, and the Barons of Sargret, a prominent family in the Great War. Each of these noble families is considered one of the most famous among the many aristocratic families on the southern border. There is a road that passes through Baron Salgret from the countship of Ratesch to the baron Bourbak. The road, called the Rockerla Road, is the most crowded road in the southern border of the Kingdom of the God of Prahlig. In recent years, the road has seen a lot of horse-drawn cart traffic to transport trade goods from the port towns of Count Ratesh's domain. "

Chapter 6 . Silence

  Pastry is a tie-up and he can't see anything . The first time the second test of ceremony was performed, in a long time it started a little after first test . Concerned about his son, who is still facing himself, the , Casserole has been sent to a room in the church. It was a well-furnished room that could be called a guest room. A middle-aged priest is sitting on a chair, facing him. The knight-baron could not understand the cause of the expression on his face, which had been looking so glum for some time now. Well, to put it simply , he knows that the reason is his son's consecration ceremony. What he does not know is what is bothering this priest so much. ".There is something I must tell you about your son." "What is it?" "About this." A lump of metal was placed with a clunk. It is generally called light gold. It is used to measure the amount of magic power. It is also used in second test of coming of age ceremony.

Chapter 5 . Discomfort

  The word "discomfort" is used to describe the feeling of something being out of the ordinary. Something is increased, or decreased, different color, different size, or there is something that should not be there, or there is a smell. Or, when something that was supposed to be there is not there, a sense of discomfort strikes you. It was this sense of discomfort that Pastry felt the moment he entered the room he was led to. Something was missing. After a while, he realized that there was no windows in the room. In fact, even the door was double-locked and had a heavy metal press, so that if it were not for the room's interior light, he would not be able to see anything at all. "Come in .Sit down on that chair." As Pastry was about to sit down just as he was told, he noticed that even the chair was strange. The chair was firmly attached to the floor. In addition, it had a metal clasp on it that seemed to be for binding. A windowless room. A fix

Chapter 4 In the royal capital

  "Wow!" Pastry cried out in surprise. His voice sounded impressed, with a hint of astonishment . "What do you think, Pastry ?This is the capital. Isn't it big?" 'Yes, it's amazing. I've never seen such a big city. There are so many people." What he saw in front of him was the historic city that has been established for more than 200 years. A general view of the capital city of Beauvaldier. The royal castle and walls visible in the distance, and the stone buildings standing from there. And the sight of so many people filling the streets that it almost covered the whole place. Pastry's lips are slightly open and his eyes are wide open, as if he were a young boy of his age, and he looks quite charming. His father, smiled at the sight, and took his hand so that they wouldn't get lost. Pastry was grateful for this, but he was also looking around, looking around, . He was a real "oobori-shin" (a person who is